Come and celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee with music and song!
Come and celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee with music and song! Wine will be served afterwards to toast her Majesty on a beautiful summer evening.
Come and celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee with music and song! Wine will be served afterwards to toast her Majesty on a beautiful summer evening.
We will have a Teddy Bears’ Picnic either outside (or inside the Parish Centre) as part of the play session. Please bring a picnic for your child. Won the panda is very excited to meet other bears and soft toy animals. Feel free to invite...
As a congregation we supported the society for many years with boxes for small change and the occasional tea/coffee and cake known as "Bake & Brew". As you know the boxes are no longer a viable way to raise funds for the charity so on...
Programme includes music by Beethoven, Glinka, Debussy. Tickets £10 for adults. Children free. Available after the service today from Cordelia Ashwanden 01628 526704 or from the Parish Office. Proceeds to Holy Trinity Church.
Trinity Talks are back after an extended summer break with a talk from Chairman of the Cookham Festival Derek Bond at Bel and The Dragon. He will reveal stories behind the planning and execution of the Cookham Festival 2022 and the challenges faced in the...
Join us at our monthly Sunday lunch run jointly by Holy Trinity, St John the Baptist and Cookham Rise Methodist Church.
All Soul's Day Service for Loved Ones who Have Died There is a list at the back of the church for the names of loved ones who you wish to be remembered during our special service. Please write clearly!
Short contemplative services to say prayers and to light a candle to express our support for the people of Ukraine.
Kitty’s family have asked us to invite you to her funeral which will be held here at Holy Trinity Church. Following the service everyone is invited to stay for a reception in the Parish Centre.
This month, instead of having a speaker, we have decided that Fr Nick and I will allow you to interrogate us on why we became Priests. We will start with a five minute introduction about our individual experiences and then invite questions on any aspect...
Starting at the Cookham War Memorial followed by a service at Holy Trinity Cookham (HTC).
Short contemplative services to say prayers and to light a candle to express our support for the people of Ukraine.