The “Churches in Cookham Together” Social Action Group is co-ordinated by HTC and leads us in engaging with local, national and international causes and issues, and in striving to fulfill our vision objective of
“reminding ourselves of our Christian concern for the whole kingdom of God at large in society“.
It has over recent times been instrumental in setting up the Rendezvous initiative (a meeting place for people with dementia and their carers) at Elizabeth House, raising funds to provide a safe and secure water supply for the people in the Kedidaregion of Ethiopia, being an Eco Congregation engaging with societies concerned with the conservation of our beautiful world, and organising ad hoc events to raise funds for specific charitable projects including the Children’s Society.
We also send a team every month on a Sunday to help out at Whitechapel Mission. Please speak to Bernadette Clark if you would like to join in or make a clothes donation 01628-530047.
More will be coming soon on Skutas, but here’s the powerpoint, please note this will take a few minutes to load as it includes high resolution photos.